Marginalization of Farmers in Sustaining Their Livelihoods Due to the Development of Yogyakarta International Airport, Indonesia
Society Volume 12 Issue 2#2024
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International Airport Development
Livelihood Resilience

How to Cite

Napsiah, N., & Hanjarwati, A. (2024). Marginalization of Farmers in Sustaining Their Livelihoods Due to the Development of Yogyakarta International Airport, Indonesia. Society, 12(2), 575-590.


  • Abstract 104
  • PDF (English) 51
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The development of the Yogyakarta International Airport aims to push the community’s economy. However, in practice, it faces failure. The land expansion needed for the airport operation has caused a loss of the source of income for the farmers nearby and the moving of their residences. Meanwhile, no working sites are accessible to the farmers where they are relocated. This study reveals the marginalization of farmers in maintaining their source of livelihood around the construction site of the Yogyakarta International Airport. This study uses interview methods, indirect observation, and document studies. The findings in this study are: the farmers experience marginalization in accessing work, land, and capital. They then experience uncertainty in income and loss of creativity as farmers. Therefore, the development of the airport has marginalized the farmers. This is an indicator of the failure of development goals. Therefore, a policy is needed to provide agricultural land for farmers to manage and get a source of livelihood.

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