As of January 7, 2024, out of a total of 257 published articles, 59 of them have been cited by journals or conference proceedings indexed in Scopus, accumulating a total of 128 citations. Please note that these citation numbers may continue to increase.
Article Citation Information
Date |
Total Published Articles |
Articles Cited |
Total Citations |
January 7, 2024 |
257 |
59 |
128 |
Citation details for journal articles in Scopus:
Zulkarnain, I. (2013). Pendidikan Indonesia: Dari hegemoni dan kuasa pengetahuan ke pendangkalan kemanusiaan. Society, 1(1), 56-63.
Cited by:
International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (Scopus Q2)
Usman, A. H., Shaharuddin, S. A., & Abidin, S. Z. (2017). Humanism in Islamic Education: Indonesian References. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 13(1), 95-113.
Harahap, F. R. (2016). Restorasi Lahan Pasca Tambang Timah di Pulau Bangka. Society, 4(1), 61-69.
Cited by:
E3S Web of Conferences
Volume 25 (2019)
The 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System
(ICENIS 2019)
Purnaweni, H., Prabawani, B., & Roziqin, A. (2019). Bangka Belitung Islands: Great Potencies of Massive Environmental Impacts. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 125, p. 09008). EDP Sciences.
Legality: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum (no-Q)
Jaelani, A. K., Kusumaningtyas, R. O., & Orsantinutsakul, A. (2022). The model of mining environment restoration regulation based on Sustainable Development Goals.
Legality: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum,
30(1), 131-146. Retrieved from
Hasanuddin Law Review (Scopus Q2)
Jamin, M., Jaelani, A. K., Mulyanto, M., Kusumaningtyas, R. O., & Ly, D. Q. (2023). The Impact of Indonesia's Mining Industry Regulation on the Protection of Indigenous Peoples.
Hasanuddin Law Review,
9(1), 88-105. Retrieved from
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Lestari, K. G., Budi, S. W., & Suryaningtyas, D. T. (2022). The impact of revegetation activities in various post-mining lands in Indonesia (study of literature). In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 959, No. 1, p. 012038). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
Indra, C. A. (2014). Implikasi terbitnya regulasi tentang pertimahan terhadap dinamika pertambangan timah inkonvensional di Pulau Bangka. Society, 2(1), 26-41.
Cited by:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume 1440 (2020)
The 5th International Seminar on Science Education (2019)
Adawiyah, R., Ichsan, A. F. R. A., & Nurcahyo, H. (2020). Analysis of the need for science teaching materials based on environmental problems on the island of Bangka. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1440, No. 1, p. 012083). IOP Publishing.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Volume 311 (2019)
Padjadjaran Earth Dialogues, International Symposium on Geophysical Issues (2019)
Erthalia, M., & Damayanti, A. (2019, August). Remote sensing and GIS for land conservation: identification of post-tin mining land conservation in Perimping Sub Watershed. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 311, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing.
E3S Web of Conferences
Volume 25 (2019)
The 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System
(ICENIS 2019)
Purnaweni, H., Prabawani, B., & Roziqin, A. (2019). Bangka Belitung Islands: Great Potencies of Massive Environmental Impacts. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 125, p. 09008). EDP Sciences.
Harahap, F. R. (2013). Dampak urbanisasi bagi perkembangan kota di Indonesia. Society, 1(1), 35-45.
Cited by:
Global Journal of Health Science (Scopus Q3)
Mubasyiroh, R., Pradono, J., Nurkhotimah, E., Kusumawardani, N., & Idaiani, S. (2018). Depression As a Strong Prediction of Suicide Risk. Global Journal of Health Science, 10(12), 52-62.
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition (Scopus Q4)
Sufyan, D., Februhartanty, J., Bardosono, S., Khusun, H., Ermayani, E., Rachman, P. H., & Worsley, A. (2019). Food purchasing behaviour among urban slum women in East Jakarta: a qualitative study. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 25, S33-S46. Link to publication in Scopus
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Volume 175
International Conference on Industrial Technology for Sustainable Development (ICon-ITSD 2017)
Shahib, H. M. (2018). Sustainability Self-Reporting for Coastal Communities: A Review of Indonesian Context. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 175, No. 1, p. 012223). IOP Publishing.
Housing Policy Debate (Scopus Q1)
Adianto, J., Gabe, R. T., Kurniawati, R., & Armenda, S. (2023). From shelters for numbers to shelters for welfare: rectifying the social housing provision programme in Jakarta.
Housing Policy Debate,
33(3), 662-680. Retrieved from
Sustainability (Scopus Q1)
Pane, A., Gunawan, B., & Withaningsih, S. (2023). Development of Kampung Susun Akuarium Based on Sustainable Housing Principles.
15(11), 8673. Retrieved from
Geo Journal (Scopus Q2)
E3S Web of Conferences (no-Q)
Putri, R. F., Abadi, A. W., & Kafafa, U. (2020). The correlation analysis between urbanization phenomena and landuse change in Jakarta Special Province. In
E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 200, p. 05003). EDP Sciences. Retrieved from
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Labib, M. S., Wibowo, A., & Shidiq, I. P. A. (2022, February). LST-based threshold method for detecting UHI in a complex urban landscape. In
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science (Vol. 986, No. 1, p. 012072). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Pratiwi, Y., & Putri, D. I. K. (2023, November). The Sustainability of Settlement Existence in Makam Kampong. Case Study Kemlaten Makam Kampong in Cirebon City, West Java. In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1218, No. 1, p. 012005). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Arjuwanti, N., Setiadi, H., & Rizqihandari, N. (2023, June). The relation of regional characteristics and economic value of agricultural dry land in Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency. In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1190, No. 1, p. 012031). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
AIP Conference Proceedings (no-Q)
Mulyono, A. B., Tampubolon, B. D., Isharyadi, F., Ayuningtyas, U., Purwanto, E. H., & Basuki, B. (2022, November). Identification of indicator data in SNI ISO 37122: 2019 supporting smart city maturity assessment model development. In
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2664, No. 1). AIP Publishing. Retrieved from
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Scopus Q4)
Sasongko, I., Soewarni, I., Gai, A. M., Imaduddina, A., & Azzizi, V. T. (2022, October). A Concept Development of Kayutangan Kampong Heritage in Implementing Sustainable Development. In
International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (pp. 283-299). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. Retrieved from
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Agustina, T., Eni, S. P., Ismanto, R., & Ulinata, U. (2021, October). Connecting facilities of several modes of transportation with transit-oriented development approach. In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 878, No. 1, p. 012036). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
Hidayati, I. (2019). The Process of Migration and Communication Technology Roles among Labor Migrants in Batam - Indonesia. Society, 7(2), 173-184.
Cited by:
World Development Perspectives (Scopus Q2)
Nurlinah, Haryanto, & Sunardi. (2020). New development, old migration, and governance at two villages in Jeneponto, Indonesia. World Development Perspectives.
Ibrahim, I., Zukhri, N., & Rendy, R. (2019). From Nature Tourism to Ecotourism: Assessing the Ecotourism Principles Fulfillment of Tourism Natural Areas in Bangka Belitung. Society, 7(2), 281-302.
Cited by:
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research (Scopus Q3)
Mashika, H., Davydenko, I., Olshanska, O., Sydorov, Y., Komarnitskyi, I., & Lypnytska, Y. (2020). Modelling of development of ecological tourism. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(4), 683–688. Retrieved from
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume 1655 (2020)
Universitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment 2020 (URICSE-2020)
Ibrahim, I., Zukhri, N., & Rendy, R. (2020, October). Ecotourism Development in Bangka Islands: An Exploratory Study on Participation and Expectations of Local Stakeholders. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1655, No. 1, p. 012136). IOP Publishing.
Zukhri, N., Rosalina, E., & Christianingrum, C. (2022, November). The green economy and blue economy: a model of sustainable development strategy in mining area of the island province. In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1108, No. 1, p. 012050). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
Anamisa, D. R., Mufarroha, F. A., & Jauhari, A. (2023, January). Feature selection to increase the attractiveness of visitors in Bangkalan tourism, Madura based on chi-square method. In
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2679, No. 1). AIP Publishing. Retrieved from
Setiadi, D., Nurhayati, S., Ansori, A., Zubaidi, M., & Amir, R. (2023). Youth’s digital literacy in the context of community empowerment in an emerging society 5.0. Society, 11(1), 1-12.
Cited by:
EPiC Series in Computing (no-Q)
Tombe, R., & Smuts, H. (2023). Society 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture. EPiC Series in Computing, 93, 216-227. Retrieved from
E3S Web of Conferences (no-Q)
Glebova, I., Alhasov, Z., & Zakirov, A. (2023). Digital activity and literacy of youth in Tatarstan: Digitalisation prospects the regional socio-economic development. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 460, p. 02006). EDP Sciences.
Haryadi, D., Ibrahim, I., & Darwance, D. (2022). Environmental Law Awareness as Social Capital Strategic in Unconventional Tin Mining Activities in the Bangka Belitung Islands.
10(2), 665-680.
Cited by:
AACL Bioflux (Scopus Q3)
Kurniawan, A., Mustikasari, D., Kurniawan, A., Setiadi, J., & Kholishah, N. A. (2023). The life of Aplocheilus panchax in abandoned post-tin mining waters: A review.
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation,
16(5), 2881-2890. Retrieved from
Waworuntu, E. C., Kainde, S. J., & Mandagi, D. W. (2022). Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction and Performance Among Millennial and Gen Z Employees: A Systematic Review.
10(2), 286-300.
Cited by:
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Scopus Q1)
Chen, X., Masukujjaman, M., Al Mamun, A., Gao, J., & Makhbul, Z. K. M. (2023). Modeling the significance of work culture on burnout, satisfaction, and psychological distress among the Gen-Z workforce in an emerging country.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,
10(1), 1-12. Retrieved from
BMC Oral Health (Scopus Q1)
Arunratanothai, T., Booncharoen, R., Suwankomolkul, S., & Limpuangthip, N. (2023). Unveiling professional and personal preferences of early career dentists during first year of employment at the Thai dental public sector: a one-year cross-sectional study.
BMC Oral Health,
23(1), 1-11. Retrieved from
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Scopus Q2)
Adedeji, A., Langel, C., Feick, A., Greibaum, M. S. B., Rahimi, M., & Hanft-Robert, S. (2023). Work-life balance and mental health outcomes for Generation Z in Germany.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
65(12), 987-991.Retrieved from
Waworuntu, E. C., Mandagi, D. W., & Pangemanan, A. S. (2022). ‘I See It, I Want It, I Buy It’: The Role of Social Media Marketing in Shaping Brand Image and Gen Z’s Intention to Purchase Local Product.
10(2), 351-369.
Cited by:
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (Scopus Q3)
Mandagi, D. W., Rampen, D. C., Soewignyo, T. I., & Walean, R. H. (2023). Empirical nexus of hospital brand gestalt, patient satisfaction and revisit intention.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. Retrieved from
International Journal of Professional Business Review (Scopus Q4)
Rantung, D. I., Mandagi, D. W., Wuryaningrat, N. F., & Lelengboto, A. L. P. (2023). Small Medium Enterprises Brand Gestalt: A Key Driver of Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention.
International Journal of Professional Business Review,
8(6), e01463-e01463. Retrieved from
International Journal of Professional Business Review (Scopus Q4)
Warbung, C. J. E., Wowor, M. C., Walean, R. H., & Mandagi, D. W. (2023). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Beauty Clinic Brand Equity: the Case of Zap Manado.
International Journal of Professional Business Review,
8(4), e01389-e01389. Retrieved from
Cited by:
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (Scopus Q3)
Cited by:
Agrivita (Scopus Q3)
Reflinaldon, R., Habazar, T., Yanti, Y., Hamid, H., & Miranti, M. (2023). Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Genn.(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Control using a Solid Formulation of Selected Endophytic Bacteria, Bacillus pseudomycoides Strain SLBE 1.1 SN.
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science,
45(3), 523-530. Retrieved from
Cited by:
International Journal of Public Health Science (Scopus Q4)
Tristiana, R. D., Pratiwi, I. N., Wulansari, D., Yusuf, A., & Sulistyono, R. E. (2023). Adolescences experience of gender-based violence: a qualitative study. International journal of public health science, 12(2), 822-830.
Retrieved from
Alhadar, F. M., & Hidayanti, I. (2021). Psychological Ownership in Organizations: The Role of Person-Organization Fit and Consequences on Support for Change and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
9(2), 447-457.
Cited by:
Frontiers in Psychology (Scopus Q2)
Zhao, X., Yang, Y. C., Han, G., & Zhang, Q. (2022). The impact of positive verbal rewards on organizational citizenship behavior—The mediating role of psychological ownership and affective commitment.
Frontiers in Psychology,
13, 864078. Retrieved from
Cited by:
Sustainability (Scopus Q1)
Hao, M., Li, G., Chen, C., & Liang, L. (2022). A coupling relationship between new-type urbanization and tourism resource conversion efficiency: A case study of the Yellow River Basin in China.
14(21), 14007. Retrieved from
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Scopus Q3)
Purnomo, A. M. (2023). Contested Access in the Failing Urban Culinary Tourism Planning: A Case of Bogor, Indonesia.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik,
27(1), 32-45. Retrieved from
Journal of ASEAN Studies (Scopus Q2)
Purnomo, A. M., Somantri, G. R., & Adnan, R. S. (2023). “Local Food” Consumption: Does Locality Matter?.
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies),
11(1), 1-20. Retrieved from
Muslihudin, M., Wulan, T. R., Sugiarto, T., Wardhianna, S., & Wijayanti, S. Migrant Workers Empowerment Through Productive Migrant Village Programs in Banyumas, Indonesia.
9(1), 319-330.
Cited by:
Migration Letters (Scopus Q2)
Wulan, T. R., Muslihudin, M., & Wijayanti, S. (2024). The Difficulty of Education for the Children of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Sabah Malaysia.
Migration Letters,
21(2), 115-126. Retrieved from
Martin, M., & Nasib, N. (2021). The Effort to Increase Loyalty through Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Satisfaction as Intervening Variables.
9(1), 277-288.
Cited by:
Management and Marketing (Scopus Q2)
Attor, C., Jibril, A. B., Amoah, J., & Chovancova, M. (2022). Examining the influence of brand personality dimension on consumer buying decision: evidence from Ghana. Management & Marketing, 17(2), 156-177.
Retrieved from
Innovative Marketing (Scopus Q3)
Attor, C., Jibril, A. B., & Chovancová, M. (2022). Does brand personality mediate the link between social media usage and customer buying decisions on telecommunication's products and services? Evidence from Ghana.
Innovative Marketing, 18(3), 84-98. Retrieved from
Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology (Scopus Q3)
Pujihartati, S. H., Wijaya, M., & Demartoto, A. (2021). Distrust of Healthcare Services: Pregnant Women’s Lack of Willingness to Use Maternity Waiting Home Service in Wonogiri Regency.
9(1), 151-159.
Cited by:
Conflict and Health (Scopus Q1)
Barua, M., Chowdhury, S., Saha, A., Mia, C., Sajow, S. H., & Sarker, M. (2022). Community-based referral transportation system for accessing emergency obstetric services in the Rohingya refugee camp during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: facilitators and barriers through beneficiaries’ and providers’ lens using a mixed-method design.
Conflict and Health,
16(1), 1-12. Retrieved from
Setiadi, R., & Franky, F. (2021). The analysis of factors affecting preparation level for the industry 4.0 era in the COVID-19 pandemic on employees in DKI Jakarta.
9(1), 115-123.
Cited by:
Journal of Nanomaterials (Scopus Q2)
Cited by:
Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data and Software Engineering, ICoDSE 2023 (no-Q)
Putri, A. N. A., Maulanda, F. D., Andrian, D., & Hakim, Z. (2023, September). Comparative Analysis of Big Data Utilization at Vocational and Productivity Training Centers (BBPVP) and the Domestic Job Market. In
2023 IEEE International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE) (pp. 31-36). IEEE. Retrieved from
Adhariani, S., & Afrizal, A. (2021). Palm Oil and Natural Disasters: Sociological Meanings of Discourses on the Ecological Impact of Oil Palm Expansion.
9(1), 37-53.
Cited by:
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Wulandari, S., Haryanto, R., & Ramdani, I. (2023, September). Dominance of palm oil plantation utilization on peatlands in Riau Province. In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1230, No. 1, p. 012001). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
Cited by:
Social Sciences (Scopus Q2)
Pruett, M. K., Alschech, J., & Saini, M. (2021). The impact of coparenting on mothers’ COVID-19-related stressors.
Social Sciences,
10(8), 311. Retrieved from
Community, Work and Family (Scopus Q1)
Andrada-Poa, M. R. J., Jabal, R. F., & Cleofas, J. V. (2022). Single mothering during the COVID-19 pandemic: A remote photovoice project among Filipino single mothers working from home.
Community, Work & Family,
25(2), 260-278. Retrieved from
Women and COVID-19: a Clinical and Applied Sociological Focus on Family, Work and Community (no-Q)
Ramnund-Mansingh, A., & Seedat-Khan, M. The Educational Impact of COVID-19 on Lone Mothers in the Global South. In Women and COVID-19 (pp. 189-200). Routledge. Retrieved from
Dalimunthe, D. Y., Valeriani, D., Hartini, F., & Wardhani, R. S. (2020). The readiness of supporting infrastructure for tourism destination in achieving sustainable tourism development.
8(1), 217-233.
Cited by:
Journal of Islamic Marketing (Scopus Q2)
Lestari, Y. D., Saidah, F., & Putri, A. N. A. (2022). Effect of destination competitiveness attributes on tourists’ intention to visit halal tourism destination in Indonesia.
Journal of Islamic Marketing,
14(4), 937-965. Retrieved from
Mobile Information Systems (Scopus Q3)
Tang, S. (2022). Research on the Development of Eco-Health Tourism Products Based on IPA Model in Internet Plus.
Mobile Information Systems,
2022. Retrieved from
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (no-Q)
Sulistiana, I., Dalimunthe, D. Y., Saputra, D., Aldila, H., Pririzki, S. J., & Maryam, I. (2022, November). Correlation and projection analysis between total population and total electrical energy consumption in Province of Bangka Belitung Island. In
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1108, No. 1, p. 012009). IOP Publishing. Retrieved from
Sahlan, M., Fajarni, S., Ikramatoun, S., Kamil, A. I., & Ilham, I. (2019). The roles of ulama in the process of post-conflict reconciliation in Aceh.
7(2), 251-267.
Cited by:
Cogent Social Sciences (Scopus Q2)
Faisal, A., Pabbajah, M., Abdullah, I., Muhammad, N. E., & Rusli, M. (2022). Strengthening religious moderatism through the traditional authority of kiai in Indonesia.
Cogent Social Sciences,
8(1), 2150450. Retrieved from
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (Scopus Q3)
Manan, A., Hadi, A., & Saputra, I. R. (2021). Post-conflict Reconciliation in Aceh, Indonesia: Perspectives from the Victims.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik,
25(2), 162-176. Retrieved from
Ranteallo, I. C., Alam, M., Nasution, A. H., Kolopaking, L. M., Lubis, D. P., Zuhud, E. A., & Andilolo, I. R. (2020). Rice landrace conservation practice through collective memory and Toraja foodways.
8(2), 794-817.
Cited by:
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (Scopus Q2)
Panja, S., Biswas, R., Kar, R. K., Dey, P. C., & Dey, N. (2023). Morpho-molecular characterization of ethnic Bora rice for conservation and breeding.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1-14. Retrieved from
Wuisang, J. R. H., Rawung, S. S., & Kaligis, J. N. (2020). The relationship between leadership and employees’ work motivation in regional secretariat office of Minahasa Regency.
8(2), 754-760.
Cited by:
BMC psychology (Scopus Q1)
Wan, J., Zhou, W., Qin, M., Zhou, H., & Li, P. (2022). The impact of emotional leadership on Chinese subordinates’ work engagement: role of intrinsic motivation and traditionality.
BMC psychology,
10(1), 323. Retrieved from
Yuhastina, Y., Parahita, B. N., Astutik, D., Ghufronudin, G., & Purwanto, D. (2020). Sociology teachers’ opportunities and challenges in facing “Merdeka Belajar” curriculum in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).
8(2), 732-753.
Cited by:
ISVS e-journal (Scopus Q1)
Social Sciences (Scopus Q2)
Emara, N., Ali, N., & Abu Khurma, O. (2023). Adaptive Learning Framework (Alef) in UAE Public Schools from the Parents’ Perspective.
Social Sciences,
12(5), 297. Retrieved from
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice (Scopus Q4)
Voak, A., Fairman, B., Helmy, A., & Afriansyah, A. (2023). Kampus Merdeka: Providing Meaningful Engagement in a Disruptive World.
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice,
23(8), 223-234.
Cited by:
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Scopus Q4)
Kui, H. (2022, July). Education Quality Evaluation Method Based on CIPP Theory. In
International Conference on Frontier Computing (pp. 1200-1207). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.Retrieved from
Fatimah, S., Judawinata, M. G., Barkah, M. N., Trimo, L., & Deliana, Y. (2020). Towards smart village: A case study of genteng village development in Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia.
8(2), 663-676.
Cited by:
10th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society, ICISS 2023 - Proceeding (no-Q)
Darmawan, A. K., Muhsi, M., Anekawati, A., Sakdiyah, H., Yusuf, M., Sophan, M. K., ... & Jalil, D. K. A. (2023, September). An Interpretive Structural Model Approach to Strategic Management Modelling for Sustainable Smart Village Development in Indonesia. In
2023 10th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. Retrieved from
Cogent Social Sciences (Scopus Q2)
Muhtar, E. A., Abdillah, A., Widianingsih, I., & Adikancana, Q. M. (2023). Smart villages, rural development and community vulnerability in Indonesia: A bibliometric analysis. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), 2219118.
Retrieved from
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Proceeding - 2023 2nd International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering: Sustainable Development for Smart Innovation System, COSITE 2023 (no-Q)
Dahlan, Y. K., Hartanto, R., & Rizal, M. N. (2023, August). Framework for e-Readiness Analysis of the Electronic Signatures Implementation in Local Government: A Case Study of Magelang City Government. In
2023 2nd International Conference on Computer System, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering (COSITE) (pp. 102-107). IEEE. Retrieved from
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Scopus Q4)
Suling, C. F., Nurmandi, A., Muallidin, I., Purnomo, E. P., & Kurniawan, D. (2022, June). The Use of AI to Develop Smart Infrastructure in Indonesia. In
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 208-217). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Retrieved from
Cited by:
AIP Conference Proceedings (no-Q)
Lubis, M. A., & Rasyid, A. (2023, August). Implementation of learning model of the Angkola Batak culture responsive experience in digital era. In
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2805, No. 1). AIP Publishing. Retrieved from
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (Scopus Q3)
Tohri, A., Rasyad, A., Sururuddin, M., & Istiqlal, L. M. (2022). The Urgency of Sasak Local Wisdom-Based Character Education for Elementary School in East Lombok, Indonesia.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education,
11(1), 333-344. Retrieved from
Cited by:
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (Scopus Q3)
Sadarrudin, M. A. P. A., Rochaida, E., Hasid, Z., & Suharto, R. B. (2022). Causality between Regional Economic Independence and Decentralization on Poverty Alleviation and Community Welfare Mediated by Economic Development.
International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning,
17(2). Retrieved from
Cited by:
International Area Studies Review (Scopus Q2)
Yakub, A., Armunanto, A. A., & Haryanto. (2022). Under family control: The trend of sole candidate elections in Indonesia.
International Area Studies Review,
25(4), 303-321. Retrieved from
Runtunuwu, P. C. H. (2020). Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators on the Farmer Exchange Rate of North Maluku Province: A Case Study of Smallholder Plantation Subsector.
8(2), 437-457.
Cited by:
AIP Conference Proceedings (no-Q)
Setiawan, A. (2023, December). Relationship model among human development index, Gini coefficient, per capita non-food expenditure, per capita gross regional domestic product and development financing in provinces in Indonesia for the 2015-2019 period. In
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2877, No. 1). AIP Publishing. Retrieved from
Simanjuntak, D., & Fitriana, R. (2020). Culture shock, adaptation, and self-concept of tourism human resources in welcoming the new normal era.
8(2), 403-418.
Cited by:
Cogent Social Sciences (Scopus Q2)
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